Topologia Algébrica


Topologia Algébrica

Homologia: Homologia simplicial; homologia singular; CW-complexos e homologia celular; sequências exatas e homologia reduzida. Cohomologia e dualidade de Poincaré. Teorema dos coeficientes universais; Produtos; Teorema de Hurewicz. Teorema de Whitehead.

Notas de Aula

Topologia Algébrica



  • Topologia Algébrica – Dahisy Valadão e Daniel Miranda
  • HATCHER A., Algebraic Topology, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • GALLIER, Jean H.; QUAINTANCE, Jocelyn. Homology, Cohomology, And Sheaf Cohomology For Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Geometry, And Differential Geometry. World Scientific, 2022.
  • MUNKRES J. R., Elements Of Algebraic Topology, Westview Press, 1996.
  • PRASOLOV, V. V.. Elements of homology theory. American Mathematical Soc., 2007.
  • KAMMEYER, H. Introduction to Algebraic Topology. Springer Nature, 2022